02 October 2013

Winnipeg Libraries Battle for Batteries in Waste Reduction Week

Written for Call2Recycle web/newsletter, October 2013

There has been a week for reducing waste in Canada since the mid-1980s, although it wasn’t until 2001 that ‘the week’ evolved from a loose collaboration between like-minded councils and environmental organisations into a branded national initiative.  Today, Waste Reduction Week has become an annual event whose organisers and participants include schools, businesses, non-profits, individuals and government departments from each of the 13 participating provincial and territorial jurisdictions across Canada.

It’s fair to say that the organisers and volunteers behind the week have come a long way from those early days in terms of identifying potential environmental projects.  In 2012 for example: schools held waste-free lunches; communities conducted special recycling collection activities; and one organisation even had a "Re-Funk Your Junk" contest.

This year, from the 21st to 27th October, Call2Recycle will collaborate with Winnipeg Public Libraries to promote Waste Reduction Week amongst the people of Manitoba’s capital city.  All 19 branches will be rallying residents to drop off their used batteries and cellphones into a permanent Call2Recycle collection box as they indulge in a friendly competition.  The branch that collects the most during Waste Reduction Week will be named Winnipeg’s “Waste Ace” and awarded a community prize.  However, as long as the people using each library participate, then it could be argued far more easily that all participants are winners.  

Stay tuned for an update! In the meantime for more details, click here.

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