28 November 2007


Movie review of "Spiderman III".
Published on facebook.com, 28th November 2007.

Yuk. What a farce, and what a shame after two pretty darn good movies in the franchise. Poor scripting, wooden acting by the Sandman, exaggerated characteristics of the Venom-ised Spiderman that make this almost a Christmas pantomime, and lots of unnecessary subplots e.g. the police chief and his daughter that detract from the overall plot and prevent any in-depth character study. Eminently missable!

14 November 2007

Period drama for period drama's sake

Movie review of "Elizabeth".
Published on facebook.com, 14th November 2007.

Disappointing alas. Revel in the costume and human face of Elizabeth bestowed in the 'behind the scenes' scenes but expect all else to be a superficial, neither fish nor flesh mix of almost fairy tale, not quite romance nor action, and historical inaccuracy.

08 November 2007

Knocked together

Movie review of "Knocked Up".
Published on facebook.com, 8th November 2007.

I was expecting great things from this following "40 Year-Old Virgin" but, I have to say, I was a little disappointed.

Certain parts were exceptionally funny, and this is definitely a brain candy rom-com rather than anything else. Even then though, it's difficult to suspend one's disbelief when the likes of Katherine Heigl pulls a munter like Seth Rogen. And, alas, without that then the premise for the whole film is gone. Without it, all's left is the enjoyable banter between Rogen and his stoner friends.

About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PR, internal communications and branding pro currently freelancing as a consultant, writer, DJ, and whatever else comes my way.